STANDARD BASE TANKS (COMPACT & CANOPIED) All AJ Power models up to 770 kVA output have a single skin base tank as standard. The fuel capacity allows a minimum of 8 hours operation. Genset models up to 220kVA are fitted with a rotationally moulded polyethylene tank and have the option of being bunded to meet DEFRA requirements. The remaining genset models up to 770 kVA are fitted with steel base tanks (powder painted for corrosion protection) and have a bunded option. On units up to 220kVA, extended running base tanks are also available (up to 24hr running in most cases). All units are available with an optional 2 way valve which permits operation of the generator from the base tank or from an external supply tank. Automatic fuel transfer systems are available on most models: these are either pumped or gravity fed from a bulk tank, to refill the base tank when required. All base tanks are fitted with a mechanical contents display gauge. Other gauges are available as an option.
Under the control of Pollution (Oil Storage) Regulations 2001 there are requirements for operators and owners to provide safer and more environmentally friendly fuel storage. All commercial storage facilities in excess of 200 litres capacity must have a ‘second containment’ capable of holding at least 110% of the maximum tank capacity.
DEFRA compliant bunds are also available.
A day tank is located between a bulk storage tank and a diesel engine. A day tank is required if an engine is
unable to draw or return fuel to a bulk tank due to distance or elevation issues. A day tank also serves as a heat sink to collect the warm, unused fuel returned from the engine via a cooler. In most cases the day tank is fully bunded.
Automatic fuel transfer systems are used to refill the day tank from a bulk tank supply. A drop weight fire valve (including mercury tilt switch) with fusible wire link activation can be fitted in the container which will automatically cut off the supply of fuel to the generator in the event of a fire.
BULK TANKS Bulk tanks are available up to 10,000L and in almost all cases are double skinned/bunded.
These tanks are usually a rectangular design with the following items fitted:
- Steel bearers - Fill point - Manway for inspection - Contents gauges - Tank breather/vent with flame arrestor
Options available are:
- Overfill prevention valve and alarm - Fuel polishing system - Fill point cabinet.
STRUCTURAL BELLY / SLAB TANKS Belly tanks are a convenient and cost effective solution when the customer’s site is limited for space. The belly tank sits directly beneath and fully supports the containerized generator with an identical footprint. The tank manway and sockets are located inside the container. A fill point can be placed in the container wall or externally in a cabinet at one end of the tank. A fuel polishing system can also be fitted. AJ Power can supply belly tanks up 10,000L capacity; in almost all cases the belly tank is double skinned/bunded.