
These are unprecedented times we are operating and the business landscape for many industries has changed over the last number of weeks and months. Like other organisations business travel, factory visits, onsite training sessions etc. have all been cancelled for the foreseeable future.

AJ Power have put measures in place to support our customers, as we continue to be the partner that they can rely on to deliver. We hold approximately £10m of stock at any time and this has proved to be vital as we adapt to the new normal moving forward to ensure orders are shipped when required.

Guaranteeing our customers receive the same level of service as they always have, is something the team at AJ Power have been working hard to maintain even in these challenging times. Our customers have been very understanding as things have changed globally, everyone has been impacted by this pandemic and we are all adapting to the new way of doing business.

AJ Power diesel generators have been arriving with our customers worldwide and knowledge transfer is an essential element of our business partnerships. Normally our engineers are onsite training teams but given the travel bans and lock down within many countries we have had to use technology to continue these programs.

During the last few months we have been revaluating our current forms of training delivery to ensure that our customers are getting what they need during this pandemic. We want our partners to know that although the world may have changed over the past few months they can continue to rely on AJ Power, as they support their customers.

Technology has always played a part of our communication relationship with partners whether this is via Zoom, Skype, Go to Meeting etc. So extending this to deliver our training programmes was the natural step during this pandemic. We have transferred some onsite face to face training to online for our partners so our knowledge programs can continue especially with new products and services.

Training has taken place with partners in South America recently for our control panel systems which enabled our engineers to deliver their sessions while demonstrating the features, interface and components of the products. Incorporating technology, presentations and videos we have been successfully continuing to deliver our training programmes.

No one knows how long the current situation is going to last, we may not be able to visit our partners as we normal do, but we continue to keep in contact, ensuring we are providing what they require whether that is through training, support, guidance or products.

If you would like to book a training session with our team please contact us at

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