Article from Scania UK in WIP magazine Jan/ Feb 2020 edition regarding the power solutions provided by AJ Power.
The turnkey emergency power solution at Scania’s Milton Keynes Customer Support Centre has chalked up its first 12-months of trouble-free operation
In the fast-moving world of transport, delays cost money. Therefore, for Scania – one of the world’s leading suppliers of heavy trucks, buses, coaches and industrial and marine engines – ensuring continuity of service for its 24/7/365 customer support operation was a key design parameter when the company decided on a complete redevelopment of its UK Customer Support Centre. Scania has been based in Milton Keynes since 1981 and over the years its computerised systems have been extensively developed in order to provide vital specification information and data on every vehicle and engine passing through its service network today.
The fact that many of its 86 UK service points are open around the clock means it is essential for dealers to be able access to Scania’s systems at all times if operator-uptime is to be maximised. “To cover the emergency power requirements at our new 6,200-metre, three storey premises, we turned to generator set manufacturer A J Power of Craigavon, Northern Ireland,” says David Bamber, General Manager – Scania Engines. “Scania and AJ Power have enjoyed a business relationship of many years standing and today numerous Scania-powered AJ Power gensets are in operation throughout the world.
“After reviewing the power requirements for our new premises, AJ Power recommended two AJ770 (770 KVA) diesel gensets powered by Scania DC16 78A engines. The specification included an auto start panel, coolant heater, alternator anti-condensation heater, fire valve and an automatic fuel transfer system.” As part of the installation it was agreed that AJ Power would supply, deliver and position the two gensets along with two 850-litre bunded bulk tanks, fill points and double skinned fuel pipework complete with leak detection system. An integral part of the power generation system are AJ Power InSight4000 controllers.These enable the programming of bespoke fuel transfer logic, which monitors the fuel level in the gensets day tank. If the generating set reaches a low level the bulk tank will be called to pump fuel into the day tank.
Each of the gensets operates in conjunction with a fully automated customer changeover panel to provide backup power to two separate LV switchboards. Each set is backed up to one side of the switchboard, so that if the mains fails on either side the corresponding generating set will be called upon to start. A bus tie breaker routes power between each switchboard in order to ensure full backup at all times. With installation complete AJ Power engineers visited the site to test and commission the gensets and provide training on the operation of the system, before handing over to Scania its new turnkey emergency power backup system. In the 12-months which have passed since commissioning, Scania has enjoyed trouble-free operation from its new gensets.
A weekly test routine, in which both sets are run for ten minutes, has revealed no operational or performance issues. David Bamber reports there has been one occasion to date where the company has had to rely on its emergency power solution:
“There was a major power outage affecting much of the Milton Keynes estate where we are based,” he says. “The emergency back up system kicked in seamlessly; there was a momentary dimming of the lights as the gensets came on stream, but continuity of supply was maintained throughout. Most importantly, there was no disruption to any of our systems, which meant we were able to maintain a full operational service to our dealers and customers for the entire duration of the power outage event.”
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