
All AJ Power products undergo comprehensive testing prior to despatch using microprocessor controlled load banks.

Advanced Test Cells

The company has an accredited on-site facility for noise testing in compliance with CE and undertakes electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing of its products.

Test Cells Capabilities In our Main Factory:

• 5 individual fully computerised test cells Recording results specific to each unique genset serial number, 1 dedicated to R&D

• Gives access to a wider range of projects, with lower risks thanks to our in house technical experience

• Unique test certificate for each machine

• Provides tracking record as well as proof of our accountability

• Customer Witness Testing • Reduces safety risks and increase reliability

Our largest machines are assembled in an ultra-modern high bay assembly plant with the most advanced testing facilities available for multiple units up to 4376kVA capacity (low or high voltage). Our ultra-modern large machine assembly hall facilitates the production of our 9 Series range. The 12 metre high building incorporates a 32 tonnes gantry crane and two state-of-the-art fully acoustic test cells.

The assembly hall facilitates the building and testing of generating sets from 800kVA to 4376kVA at low voltage, as well as high voltage capabilities.

To find out more about our testing facilities please contact us on

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