
Turlough Lardner has been awarded the AJ Power prize for the most innovative final year project in power generation at Queen’s University, Belfast

Turlough’s project was to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) using the national instruments LabView development environment to provide remote monitoring and control capability of the new InSight6000S AJ Power generator control panel via Ethernet Modbus.

After familiarising himself with the AJ Power InSight6000s generating set controller and its software, Turlough had to firstly develop the LabView GUI to communicate with the Insight6000s, then design a clear and intuitive graphical format of the gen-set data on the HMI screen so that it would user-friendly.

The end design was then tested and evaluated on an InSight6000s generating set controller on an actual running diesel generating set at AJ Power factory.

We are also pleased to welcome Turlough into full-time employment within the electrical engineering department at AJ Power.

Pictured above are Eugene Devlin (left), project manager in AJ Power and prize-winner Turlough Lardner.

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